siriusfox - 2007-04-04

The first time I used Sbackup it worked just fine. I connected via FTP to my server, hit backup now, and it just worked. However, sbackup fails to work every single time I use it now. I backup to an anonymous access NAS via FTP on my network. The first time I tried to connect and backup it did a full backup no problems.

However, every Cron backup, and every manual backup I try now fails. No error is given, but no output is produced. The file fails to show up on the NAS. All of my Macs using retrospect backup no problem, and neither they, nor sbackup have had any changes sense the first backup sbackup did.

I'm Running Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft on a 1GHz P3 with 1GB RAM. I backup to a ReadyNAS NV+, with FTP, SMB, and AFP enabled.