
can't backup to ft

  • wjlk

    wjlk - 2006-09-16

    Î can't get sbackup (version 0.10) to backup to a remote ftp server. The test goes fine (asks for the password and flashes the green light) but when I asks for a manual backup, I get :

    E: Target directory is not writable - please test in simple-config-gnome!

    Is there a simple-config-gnome utility ?

    I must add that copying to and from the ftp site works perfectly within nautilus : gnome-vfs is working.

    Thanks for your help.


    • Aigars Mahinovs

      Aigars Mahinovs - 2006-09-24

      Thanks for spotting this problem. You nedd to include the password inside the URL. SBackp can not use the password that is entered in the Gnome pop-up password dialog. That is: this password entry will work for the test, but the real backup process has no way of getting to that password afterwards.

      • wjlk

        wjlk - 2006-09-29

        I tried what you suggested with the address
        ftp://login:passwd@site/dir. I still get error messages
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/usr/sbin/sbackupd", line 553, in ?
          File "/usr/sbin/sbackupd", line 267, in do_backup_finish
            tardst = gnomevfs.create( turi, 2 )
        gnomevfs.LoginFailedError: Login failed

        But the login process  have gone through since  some dirs are created on the ftp site, named
        but they don't contain any of the files I want to backup, only excludes/packages/ver.


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