
Satsuma .NET Graph Library / Blog: Recent posts

First release

Satsuma 0.1 alpha has been released. Feel free to download!

Please note that, while the library should already work well in most scenarios, you may encounter some bugs as this is an alpha release, and it is likely that breaking changes will be introduced in the future.

Posted by Balázs Szalkai 2013-07-13

First commit!

The very first revision of Satsuma has just been committed. Feel free to checkout :)

Posted by Balázs Szalkai 2013-07-09

Initial post

Soon I will commit a very first version of the library. The library is practically ready to use, but some code cleanup is still needed. In the meanwhile, here is a list about the capabilities of Satsuma:

  • basic connectivity algorithms: connected/2-edge-connected/2-node-connected components, bipartition, strongly connected components, topological order
  • path finding: Bfs, Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, A*
  • spanning forests: Kruskal, Prim
  • graph adaptors: classes which temporarily modify graphs (contract nodes, take a subgraph/supergraph, reverse arcs, undirect arcs, etc.)
  • circulations: max flow (Preflow algorithm), min cost circulation (network simplex method)
  • matchings in bipartite graphs: maximum matching, minimum cost matching
  • TSP solvers (insertion, cheapest link, 2-OPT)
  • I/O: loading/saving graphs (e.g. Lemon Graph Format, GraphML)
  • misc: force directed graph layout, drawing graphs to a Graphics... read more
Posted by Balázs Szalkai 2013-07-07