
sastrocam (simple astronomy camera) / News: Recent posts

Support forums are now available

Due to the increased usage of sastrocam I've decided to make discussion forums available. Many of us, myself included, would love to hear how you automate your telescopes and access your observatories remotely.

Does sastrocam play a role? Even better! Let us know.

PS Does anyone have an opinion on sastrocam moving to python?

Posted by Leo Edmiston-Cyr 2009-03-06

Mailing list created for sastrocam users

To discuss sastrocam, its use, development, features, ask questions of the author, or show off results join this mailing list! I will send an email to it from time to time to announce the status of sastrocam. Check it out either from the mailing lists link on this page or at

Posted by Leo Edmiston-Cyr 2006-01-19