
Alive SAPID encyclopedia

A new service of SAPID community has been launched – “alive SAPID encyclopedia” ( This is the 4th service of the community along with the multilingual forum system (, SAPID professionals list ( and specialized hosting (

SAPID community grows rapidly, users develop their own modules, solutions, documentation and take an active part in the project development.
SAPID encyclopedia is meant to structure (arrange) the accumulated knowledge. Likewise a most known product Web 2.0 – Wikipedia, it is based on software MediaWiki. As a result, SAPID encyclopedia inherited its usability, simplicity and wide range of collaboration options.

There is an assumption that alive SAPID encyclopedia will let SAPID technology to appear closer to a wide range of people, increase documentation quality and open new prospective for project development.

Posted by Dmitry Sheiko 2005-12-26

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