
Sahi V3 2010-06-10 released

Sahi V3 (2010-06-10) is now available for download.
There have been significant improvements and bugfixes in this release. API _under ( has been added to locate elements physically under another.
API _byXPath has been added to help users from Selenium and other tools move to Sahi.
API _row and _option have been modified to be in sync with other APIs. script may need to be modified if you use these APIs.

Below is the changelog:

10 Jun 2010
* Bugfixes
Fixed data truncation bug introduced in 30 Apr build
Fixed getText bug which returned ab on FF and a b on IE for a<br>b
Fixed for &nbsp; in select option text
Fixed window.opener behaviour for link clicks
Fixed parsing error for $a == $b

* Features added
Added Shiretoko as variant of Firefox
_byXPath added.
For browsers without XPath support,
download the javascript file from
and save the contents in sahi/htdocs/spr/javascript-xpath.js
_under added as a positional relation
Lets identify elements under another element eg. _cell(0, _under(_tableHeader("Status")))
5xx errors are displayed on screen too.
Time taken by each test is displayed in logs.
XHR redirects are excluded from injection
Added Driver.setControllerMode. Takes sahi, java, ruby
_option brought in sync with other APIs.
NOTE: older _option(selElement, value) will not work any more
Replace with _option(value, _in(selElement))
_row brought in sync with other APIs.
NOTE: older _row(tablElement, rowNumber) will not work any more
Replace with _row(rowNumber, _in(tablElement))

Posted by V Narayan Raman 2010-06-11

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