
Nightly Build 2007-02-08 released

A lot of features have been added after the November release.

* APIS added
_mockImage(pattern, clazz)
_assertContainsText(expected, el, msg)
_style(el, property)
_execute("commandline command");

* Feature additions
Test status on Controller
Launch test from command line
Add line numbers to script in logs
Back button support
Keep-alive support to tackle too many connections in TIME_WAIT issue
regular expression support in all APIs
Safari support
junit style logs added
jira issue tracking added
Some basic support for identifying script errors in script using "View Script" link on the controller.

* Bugfixes
_condition when used with _include was stopping execution of script.
HTTPS was not working because of a couple of problems:
Keep-alive needed to be disabled for proxying ssl requests.
including java.ext.dirs in sahi.bat/sh was causing ssl libraries to not be included.
So: Excluded ssl from keep-alive and removed java.ext.dirs.
Not sure if this fixes SSL support in Mac.

Known issues
* Firefox has problems with multithreaded playback due to session sharing across windows.
(Workaround: Do not add the 'threads=n' clause to sahi target)
* Calls to non existent functions in script does not fail script

Posted by V Narayan Raman 2007-02-08

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