
Safe Mapping and Reporting Tool (SMART) / News: Recent posts

SMART project inactive

This project is no longer active. The project web site and source code will remain available as background for anyone who would like to continue development of this or similar projects.

A number of new tools are now available for data visualization that would be interesting to apply to the passive network mapping problem, for example d3 (, Google charts (, etc.

Posted by Scott Waddell 2012-04-17

Project Site Update & Interactive Demo

Visit the updated SMART project site at for an interactive SMART demo.

Posted by Scott Waddell 2007-04-26

Known Issues with Cygwin and SMART 1.0

Stability under Linux is quite good, but the following are issues to be aware of when running SMART from Cygwin on Windows:

- Under Cygwin, pie chart generation could cause SMART to crash. You can disable pie chart generation with the --Chart (or -C) command line switch if this occurs.

- Under Cygwin, passive DNS resolution is producing truncated host names in the 'All Servers' and 'Local Servers' tables. There is no workaround at this time.... read more

Posted by Scott Waddell 2007-04-15

SMART 1.0 Released

The Safe Mapping and Reporting Tool (SMART) uses Perl to combine network packet analysis with Graphviz and SVG for scalable, high resolution network flow visualizations. SMART also identifies and enumerates network devices, operating systems, and network ports in use. SMART is completely passive, making it ideal for networks with sensitive devices that often react poorly to active scanning tools.

Posted by Scott Waddell 2007-04-14