
Ruby XML Controller / News: Recent posts

Project Closed

As I do not have time anymore to do work at this project due my study and several other jobs, this project is closed.
If anyone wants to work on it, please mail me.

Posted by Martin Weise 2006-09-04

Heavy bugfixing

Hi @all

As I am currently on heavy bugfixing, to make rxml work
properly, please send me your XML files, that do not work
with the controller.

Send these files to


Posted by Martin Weise 2005-10-28

Version 0.04 released

The new Version has been released today.
There are no changes, of method names, or method parameters, just a bit bug fixing, and a complete set of functions to manipulate data stored in xml files.

Because of this, the status has been changed to beta, but there are still bugs.
So please report them, or submit feature requests.


Posted by Martin Weise 2005-10-17

Version 0.03.5 released

In this version find was extend for filtering for elements.
Be aware that the module name changed to RXML.

Also some RUNIT test have been included, and an updated documentation.

Please report bugs, feature requests, etc.


Posted by Martin Weise 2005-10-12

Critics and Comments welcome

Hi to all those people that downloaded the rxml releases.
If you find any bugs, have any critics, or just a feature request, please post it, so that I get some feedback, whether it works the way it should.


Posted by Martin Weise 2005-10-12

Help wanted

As the Ruby XML Contorller works, but is still far away from being bug free, I am searching developers that have experience in programming with Ruby to extend and enhance the controller and Unit Testing, as Unit Testing is something I do not have knowledge of.

So if you feel competent for doing this, please contact me via a comment to this news.

Posted by Martin Weise 2005-10-08

Version 0.03 released

Version 0.03 has been released today.
There a some changes to the older releases.

The major change is, that is it not necessary to define a data class, as this is handeled by the controller.
The second change is, that it became a module.
Actually there is a known bug in "update" which will be fixed within the next days.

So all you need to pass is a xml-file to get its data.
For further details, please read the documentation, which is bundeled with the release.... read more

Posted by Martin Weise 2005-10-07

find_all reviewed

The method find_all has been recoded, so it works more generic than before and a specific xml-file layout is not neccessary anymore.
But it is recommend to structure the file as mentioned in the documentation, for best results.

Posted by Martin Weise 2005-10-04