
rlt8187L (asus wifi-ap solo) in ubuntu 8.04

  • chessboxing

    chessboxing - 2008-04-30

    I don't know if I'am at the right place but I am desperate to get this piece of equipement to work. Ubuntu (amd64)'s driver works but it gives me maybe 5sec connection and then it drops, sometimes longer period but instable and always extremely slow. I tried consulting google and it pointed me to a lot of forums but it was just speculation. There were some places were they told it worked and has been fixed a wile ago, bla bla bla... but never given a clear solution.

    Could someone please tell me which driver to use and how to compile them correctly.
    Or a suggestion at least?

    thanks in advance

    • J-Y. B.

      J-Y. B. - 2008-08-10

      I've too this problem and I must set bit rate on 11M
      sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 11M       (I put this in /etc/rc.local)

      But... It reduce my connection and it's sometimes a problem.
      I've an M2N32-SLI motherboard with Wi-Fi (chipset rtl8187), and I'd like have help to resolve this.. So please help me =)

    • alberto

      alberto - 2008-08-10


      I had same problem. It's a reported bug. To solve it you should install wicd and after uninstall network-manager.

      Add this line in /etc/apt/sources.list:

      deb hardy extras

    • J-Y. B.

      J-Y. B. - 2008-08-11

      Hey :)

      I'll try later on Fedora. I'm on Ubuntu and I found a custom driver ( who works fine. My connection was never up to 100 kb/s, now it's 700 kb/s  :-)

      B. J-Y.

      Ps : I'm sorry if my english is too bad... I prefer speak French.. ;)


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