
RTFSS v1.0 installer needs libmmd.dll!! Temporal fix..

I have tested the installer version on a lot of machines and I have realized that the installer version (1.0) not runs if it's not present libmmd.dll. This library is part of Intel Compiler libs and it's not inluded. Sorry.. but the good news is that the library is only needed by the glut32.dll library included which was compiled with Intel compiler and I didn't remember of it. Please delete this file and if you don't have glut lib. installed download at the file (117 KB). This is a temporal fix and coming releases will come with this library.. With this all should run nice.. :-))

That said I want to say three more things:

-Users that want to compile the release against Intel MKL 8.0 final (not beta) libs need to know that there is a minor bug
in infomkl() which with beta 8.0 was not showed. You can fix
temporaly this bug removing (commenting too..) a call in info.c file to infomkl(). This should be fixed on next release..

-I have tested the installer version on Linux with wine(with build that comes with suse 9.3. This is 11 february 2005) and INSTALLS FINE!!.. and RUNS FINE!! (but solver throws some exceptions and you have to set WINEDEBUG=-all for run without interruptions). The installer version gives to linux cpu identification routines present on windows version but no present on linux build provided in /bin.

-Compatibility: Release 1.0 has been tested on (and works) :

+NVIDIA Geforce 6600GT (forceware release 75 or higher)
+ATI Radeon 9800 (5.9 or higher)
+ATI Radeon X600 Mobility (5.9 or higher)
+SIS 651 and 661FX IGP(integrated graphics!!) ( SiS UniVGA3 v3.68 released August 2005 or higher)

The SIS IGP's present some issues:
+doesn't supports shaders but still renders the fluid..
+Shadows doesn't work..
+Cubemap and font look bad..

I have tested other graphic chips that not run RTFSS (1.0)

-RADEON 7000 series: hangs.. perhaps some extensions not checked and not supported

Pre-GPU's graphics cards:
(because this release needs support for S3TC compressed
texture format and this cards doesn't support(or the driver implementation))

-Rage 128 and NVIDIA TNT2

Posted by Oscar Barenys 2005-10-03

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