
Release Now Available!

The second of my mini-releases is now available. This release adds an exciting new feature: the ability to make individual syntax tokens have their own unique styles (bold, italic)! This feature is only currently working when line wrap is disabled; when line wrap is enabled, all token styles will be ignored (although syntax highlighting will still work).

Here's the official list of what's new: (08/07/2004):
- Added the ability to change the style of individual token types to include bold and italic. This is a very nice feature that further extends the ability to customize the view and makes the code easier to grasp visually. This is currently only available when word wrap is off; when word wrap is turned on, any individually-set token styles will be ignored.
- Updated the line numbering code to be more efficient.
- Added mnemonics to the various widgets on the Find and Replace dialogs.

Posted by Robert Futrell 2004-08-07

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