
feature request: more keyboard commands

  • Ronaldo Nascimento

    i would love to be able to go to next unread item via a key press (like the down arrow) and to also be able to go back to the last READ item (cause i impatiently skipped over it) via a keypress


    • Torsten Rendelmann

      Go to next unread: SPACE key. Go back to previous read is currently not yet supported.

      • Garvin Hicking

        Garvin Hicking - 2004-12-07

        What bugs me about the "SPACE" key for a long time is that it does NOT skip to the next unread article.

        In fact it scrolls page per page to the end of the current article and only then skips to the next unread article.

        A hotkey to jump to the next article immediately would be cool.

        A nice example for where Space sucks is the heise newsticker. Their text content is often only about 1-2 paragraphs, but their HTML sidebar contains about 3-4 more pages of ads. I have to press SPACE about 4-5 times until I get to the next article...

        Maybe in a future version...? :-))



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