
Report Requirement Documenter (RRD) / News: Recent posts

RRD Version 1.1 Released

The online demo is now complete. You can get to it from the projects homepage - During testing of the online demo I found that I messed a portion of the code when I made some changes to 1.0a. I did a full set of testing on 1.0a before I released it, but after testing I made a few minor changes (or so I thought). Anyway, sorry to anyone who tried 1.0a and had no luck. The connection file was messed up and it basically made the application unusable. I have fully corrected and tested v1.1. Let me know if you find any bugs. Thanks!

Posted by Chad Auld 2005-01-30

RRD Version 1.0a Released

Version 1.0a - Released on 12/24/2004


I forgot to add information on the v1.0 installation instructions about how to deal with the new upload directory. Admins will need to make sure users have the proper permissions to upload/delete files from one of RRD's directories. I have added this info to the "install.txt" file.... read more

Posted by Chad Auld 2004-12-25

RRD Version 1.0 Released

This is the second release of RRD. It has matured a great deal since the v1.0-alpha release. Enough to make this the first offical production quality release.


* RRD has been fully tested with PHP 4 & 5.
* Javascript form validation has been added to all forms.

* Report and project (add & delete) file attachment funtionality has also been added.
* In v1.0-alpha there were two database configuration files. I have made the approiate updates and now only one confiration files is needed.
* I have revisited RRD's security. Made a few updates were needed, but I didn't find many holes. I have designed RRD to be very secure from the get go. No global variables needed, all user input is checked before being put into the database, there are different security user levels to choose from, users are validated on all important application pages, and passwords are encrypted.

Posted by Chad Auld 2004-12-21

RRD Version 1.0-alpha Released

The first version has been released. I've still got a lot of work to do, but download it and check it out!

Posted by Chad Auld 2004-10-11

Project started

I am officially kicking off this project today 06/18/04. I'll start the project off on my own, but as it develops I'll probably try to recruit some other developers. I have a basic framework in mind that I want to build first. Hope to have the first alpha version ready to go in a couple weeks :)

Posted by Chad Auld 2004-06-18