
Ctrl + left click marker bug

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The markers don't disappear after releasing the ctrl key or left button, this is very annoying, so please check it.

    Thanks !

    • Trevor Croft

      Trevor Croft - 2005-11-19

      Could you be more specific, what are the full steps you are taking to see this behavior ?  What tool are you using ?  Are you talking about token selection, or the blue pointer arrow ?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      sorry, these are the steps: (v alpha 1.0M7 b41) launched by j web start.

      1. Open
      2. Drag a map (so you have a background map)
      3. File > start server
      4. press ctrl+left button on the map
      5. The pointer never dissapear.

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2005-11-20

        You are exactly right.  This is a bug that was introduced in a recent server refactoring.

        I've fixed it and pushed a new version to Alpha.  It is now available on

        Thanks for the notice ! :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      you are welcome.

      I've tested the new alpha and the bug is gone.



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