
New Feature: Token state

  • Trevor Croft

    Trevor Croft - 2005-12-31

    Jay has introduced a new feature: basic token states.  User: right click on a selected token, Set Token State, and pick a state.  An overlay will be shown over the token.

    Give it a try and feel free to provide your experience or feedback.

    This is available on ALPHA build 65.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Unable to launch the new alpha of map-tool!

      Java Web Start Unexpected error: 
      Unable to launch RP-Tools Maptool


    • Brad

      Brad - 2006-01-02

      Same problem here, the current build will not start.


      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2006-01-02

        weird, the build decided to not include a resource file. 

        I'll have it fixed in a few minutes

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2006-01-02

        OK, fixed. 

        Thanks for the heads up guys !

    • Brad

      Brad - 2006-01-03

      Build 66 starts fine.

      The Toekn States feature behaves a bit oddly. When I change the state on the GM's side it does not update on the player's side. If I change the token's name with the new state on, it updates both name and state on the player side.

      The same is true in reverse for changes made on the player side being reflected on the GM side.

      BTW - Will there be other Token States added later? This is a really ool concept and I think it will be excellent in-game.

      • jgorrell

        jgorrell - 2006-01-03

        That is a bug. I created a tracker for this numbered:  1395796 Token states do not propagate to other players

    • BigAlzBub

      BigAlzBub - 2006-01-05

      Would it be possible to allow the states to toggle, so that you could multiple states on the same token.  Although you would probably have to have small icons (within the token) to show all the states.

      • David Rice

        David Rice - 2006-01-05

        Good idea... We have been discussing that very thing since we introduced the token states.  Most likely they will look like the visibility decorator icon. 

        In post 1.0 we plan on implementing player customizable token states, but initially what states would you like to see?

        Here is what I am thinking would be appropriate:

        For a fairly complete list of states in D&D see:

    • Brad

      Brad - 2006-01-05

      Looks like a good list to start from.

      Is there any current idea when the propagating token state issue will be resolved? Just looking forward to trying it in-game.

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2006-01-05

        I went ahead and put in the fix, (it was a one-liner).  It's available now on ALPHA build 70

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Why not just put an "add new state" button instead of trying to build a repository of states? You could just type the state name and use the color dialog to choose what color you wanted, and MapTool could remember it like it remembers image paths. This would be more versatile, not much harder, and save arguements about what states to include.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        This is exactly what I was thinking and mentioned in an earlier thread.

        This could also be accomplished by integrating your token tool functionality as well - certain states can have user-defined overlays.  Easy to implement the coloring.  In post 1.0 versions you can implement dozens of states, but for now its fine for the DM to say "green tokens are nauseated, red are prone" etc.

        -Mike who needs to create an account so his posts are more easily tracked....

    • BigAlzBub

      BigAlzBub - 2006-01-06

      Here is a list of conditions I would like:
      Blinded, Confused, Dazed, Dazzled, Dead, Deafened, Dying, Entangled, Exhausted, Fatigued, Frightened, Invisible, Hiding, Lingering Spell Effect*, Nauseated, On Fire, Panicked, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Shaken, Sickened, Stable, Stunned and Turned.

      *preferably selectable multiple times and with the ability to type a brief reminder (such as charmed, dominated, acid arrowed, etc)

      Personally I would prefer small icons going left to right from the top left corner, rather than the current large icons, or if icon prove to be too fiddly or difficult to read, small translucent coloured squares.  I don't really know if its possible but when you hover the mouse over the icons/squares for a couple of seconds it would be excellent if it listed what the condition was, but a window at the side which listed all the states a token currently has would be just as good.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      As an alternative idea, perhaps you could bring up a dialog box with possible conditions.  Mutually exclusive conditions(dead, dying, staggered) could be radio buttons. 

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2006-01-08

        The trick is that we want to keep it very simple, so that just looking at the token tells you what effects are on it.

        At some point user defined attributes will be supported at which time we might need to look at something more complex, like a dialog.

        • Mike

          Mike - 2006-01-10

          Well, the simple method would color the token or put an overlay on it to show a condition had been set, and add the TEXT of the condition at the bottom of the token as an overlay as well. 

          Thus, as an example, the condition setter would set a gold and red border around one token with the word DAZED along the bottom, while another token (also with a gold and red border to indicate a condition) had the word PRONE on the bottom.

          Easy, simple, infinitely flexible, and good enough for government work (at least until the mid version 1s).

          -Mike (now with an account!)

          • Trevor Croft

            Trevor Croft - 2006-01-10

            One of the ideas we've been working with is making a pop-up bubble, similar to the way google maps works, which shows all the textual details.  That way the interface doesn't get cluttered, and if you want to know what a specific icon decoration is, just hover over the token and the bubble pops up with all the relavant information.

    • emryys

      emryys - 2006-01-10

      The pop-up bubble is a good idea. Eventually it could be used to include data about the character instead of a text document. It could have general data as well as seperate player notes and GM notes. The gm would have access to both as well.
      This could get cluttery so maybe just the basics and on a side panel the player/GM stuff shows up.
      Perhaps on the right side you have the initiative panel and an info panel like you have on the left. Make them all collapsable or custom floating.
      I think I'm making things complicated for you, but I know you'll pick the best suggestions and solutions ;)

      • jgorrell

        jgorrell - 2006-01-10

        This should be very easy to do with a tooltip, which is just a 'square' bubble and is already built in to swing. Showing that much data in a tool tip is possible, but it might just be better to open a secondary dialog with the notes, or place them in the side panel.

        • Trevor Croft

          Trevor Croft - 2006-01-10

          True, but tooltips are butt-ugly.  And we also need to put in an arbitrary component.  I'd really like it to look pretty, hence the reference to the google maps popup.

          • jgorrell

            jgorrell - 2006-01-10

            Actually I was referring to the tooltip mechanisim. But since a tooltip is a component you can make it look any way you want. The only restriction is that it has to be rectangular since the JVM requires that OS windows must be opaque. If you can guarantee that the display of the bubble is always contained w/in the java window (or wait 'til version 6 of java), it can have any shape you want.

    • Brisingre

      Brisingre - 2006-01-10

      I would like to see the states as a tint rather than an outline. I love the tooltip idea.

      • Trevor Croft

        Trevor Croft - 2006-01-10

        I believe the current plan is create a set of token "effects", which means having either a decoration (little icon in the corner), or an overlay (tinting, big X, that kind of thing), or both.

        States will then be described as having a decoration or tint/overlay.


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