
#74 Matrix: Editing multiple tracks simultaneously like notation


Please followup on rg-devel as well as here.

If you open a piece with multiple tracks, select two or
more tracks in the track editor, and open the notation
editor, then you will be able to edit all of the
selected tracks in the same session of the notation
editor. By contrast, if you try opening the selected
tracks in the matrix editor, then you get multiple
sessions of the matrix editor, one per track; it
appears to be impossible to edit all of the selected
tracks in the same session of the matrix editor.

Being able to edit the notes from all tracks
simultaneously in the matrix editor would be extremely
useful because you could see the inter-note
relationships without having to flip continually
between many different matrix editor windows. If you
have only a very small number of tracks then editing
them separately in different matrix editor sessions is
tolerable. However, editing a really large multi-track
composition by using multiple separate matrix editors,
one per track, is totally impractical.

What I am proposing is actually quite simple to
describe (not sure about the coding), namely that you
open all tracks in a single session of the matrix
editor where you are able to edit any note from any
track such that when you close the matrix editor, the
result is that the notes in each of the tracks have
been edited as per your editing, but, crucially, it
does not cause all of the tracks to be merged into a
single track, i.e. every note retains its original
track identity after editing in the merged view in the
matrix editor.

A version of this suggestion was originally posted in a
thread on rosegarden-devel
on Fri, 2 Apr 2004 19:56:37 +0100
in Message-Id:

Richard Bown followed up with a proposed implementation
of the suggestion to which Chris Cannam replied
on Mon, 5 Apr 2004 15:03:15 +0100
in Message-Id:

This is exactly the feature I was describing on this
list a couple of weeks ago, as something I've wanted
to do in notation and that could extend easily and
usefully to the matrix too. It was originally a
firm 1.0 feature for notation (for multi-voice staffs)
but that doesn't look very practical any more.


  • Heikki Junes

    Heikki Junes - 2007-06-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Added to

  • D. Michael McIntyre

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    We're sorry, but there is no chance anyone presently on our staff will have time to consider this request. Perhaps you'd like to apply for a job here by presenting us with this request re-expressed in patch form.


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