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Thanks for pointing this one out. It was trivially easy to fix, and I've already made the change. (Committed revision 8973.) If you had asked a day earlier, the change would have gone into the 1.7.1 release!

Oh well. This change is too small to justify going through all the steps of a second release, so you will have to check out SVN or wait (months) for the next release to see this.

In the meantime, I suggest a quick and easy workaround is to go to a bash prompt and issue this command:

sudo ln -s which okular /usr/local/bin/kpdf

That should work if okular is in your path. On my KDE3 box with KDE4 tacked on as an add-on I'm not actually running yet, okular isn't in my path. In this case, I have to find it with something like:

locate "bin/okular"

That returns:


Then I plug that into the preceding command instead, and I come up with:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/kde4/bin/okular /usr/local/bin/kpdf

The result of that is that /usr/local/bin/kdpf (where no package manager should mess with it) is now a symbolic link to Okular:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Aug 2 20:55 /usr/local/bin/kpdf -> /usr/lib/kde4/bin/okular

On my KDE3 box with KPDF and all that other stuff installed, Rosegarden now uses Okular as the PDF viewer, by way of this symlink. It should work for you too, and is probably quicker than waiting on the next release, and easier than downloading and compiling all that source code just for one trivial change.

I think I'll go post this tip on the user list too. Thanks for bringing it up!