
#1499 Edit -> Preferences from inside notation editor

Live With It

When viewed from directly inside the notation editor, the style heredity path changes such that group boxes are taking a solid black background. Tested in Qt4 for this report. Need to test Qt5 as well, and fix the issue; probably with even more spaghetti code.

Good time to fix the sunken effect on the status bar too. Ends up with pointless white highlights that are supposed to oppose black shadows that are swallowed by the black background. Side effect of having to switch to the Windows widget style. Need to work around that somehow.


  • D. Michael McIntyre

    Just noticed the bank editor is also screwing up. Probably has been for ages. Black text all over the place that's illegible. Should be white. More QWidget styling mayhem.

    I really ought to back that out and see if things have changed in several iterations of Qt and/or now that I have vastly more experience with stylesheets. This convoluted train wreck is totally evil to maintain, and I tire of it, but I also hate how Rosegarden looks in its plain and boring natural state.

  • D. Michael McIntyre

    • status: open --> wont-fix
    • Group: Next Release --> Live With It
  • D. Michael McIntyre

    Chased this one around for 30 minutes. It's fixable, but very minor, and annoying to isolate. Abandoning the effort.


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