
Released Roma Meta Framework version 1.2.0

Roma Meta Framework - release 1.2.0

Main addictions and improvements:

CORE module:
- Created CollectionWrapper domain classes to display collections in better
way. Now there are two impl: TableWrapper<> and MasterDetailWrapper<>. See
the Handbook.pdf to know more
- Disable the class checking for hot-updates. Useful in production
- New refresh of multiple fields in one shot or the entire object
- Resolved bug on the session management under WebLogic AppServer

VIEW module:
- New "URL" rendering mode to embed static and dynamic content in forms. Now
you can embed HTML files, JSP files and Web sites at all
- Managed render of collections and arrays using the "OBJECTEMBEDDED" mode
- Resolved a bug on table ordering
- Improved Echo2 Table component in order to support the change of the color
of the column headers
- Updated to the stable version 2.1.0 of Echo2

- Updated to the stable version 1.1.0 of DataNucleus

ADMIN module:
- Fixed management of Info and InfoCategory instances
- Created CRUD of GenericValue

JETTY module:
- Integrated new release of Jetty 6.1.5
- The script under the user project script/ (and .bat) now works

CRUD wizard module:
- CRUD now generate also:
- factory class (DDD)
- repository class (DDD)
- entry in package.jdo file if any

Posted by Luca Garulli 2009-03-25

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