
#28 Input conflit between Wacom Cintiq 21UX and Roccat Kova[+] cause an crash

wacom (1)

Hi Roccat Linux driver project,

At autumn, I set up my Wacom Cintiq 21UX tablet (old model) with the new Gnome 3.10 expresskey interface, but now each time I use buttons on the pad (not the stripes), it causes an crash (my session crash and I'm back to GDM login).

I'm working on this bug since several weeks... I understood today it is linked with my mouse.

First I reported the bug to the Linux Wacom project :
then to :

and finally I understood :

the crash occur only if one or more pad buttons (not stripes) are pushed WHILE my mouse (Roccat kova plus) move, whatever action is set up with the pad buttons or with mouse buttons.
I made a short video :

With another mouse (Logitech RX250), nothing happen.

I tried with several distributions, and I can only reproduce the bug with environments who use Gnome settings :
- Manjaro Gnome 8.9 rc1
- Ubuntu (Unity) 13.10
- Ubuntu Gnome Edition 13.10

nothing happen with :
- Manjaro Cinamon 8.8
- Manjaro KDE 8.8
- Manjaro XFCE 8.8
- Xubuntu 13.10

So, It look like an input conflict in the Gnome environment. I'm certainly the one guy in the world with such a configuration ;p

Initially on kernel 3.10, I upgraded to kernel 3.12 and installed alternatively "roccat-dkms" and "kmod-roccat", but the bug still occur.

Thanks for your work !


  • Stefan Achatz

    Stefan Achatz - 2014-02-05

    Have you roccat-tools installed and roccateventhandler running?

  • Camille Bissuel

    Camille Bissuel - 2014-02-05


    yes, roccat-tools installed and roccateventhandler running...
    But the bug occurred before when I did not have it installed and happen on live CDs too, where Roccat drivers are usually not installed.

  • Stefan Achatz

    Stefan Achatz - 2014-02-05

    One test would be to try completely without my code.
    Remove the roccat packages and compile a kernel without roccat support.
    If the roccat modules are not included in the kernel, the generic driver is allowed to bind the devices.
    That would be not much of a hassle on a distribution like Ubuntu for which howto's exist.

  • Camille Bissuel

    Camille Bissuel - 2014-02-05

    Hi Stefan,

    I'll try that, but I need to learn how to do it... and find time ! So I will keep you in touch ;)

    Things progress slowly on the Linux Wacom bug report too.

  • Stefan Achatz

    Stefan Achatz - 2014-02-06

    I used this howto for Ubuntu once:

    The relevant config option to switch off in menuconfig is here:

    Device Drivers/HID support/Special HID drivers/Roccat device support

    After starting the new kernel make sure no roccat modules are loaded

    lsmod | grep roccat

    And then test.

  • Camille Bissuel

    Camille Bissuel - 2014-02-07

    Hi Stefan,

    I am not very fond of installing Ubuntu for one test, and I can't make my wacom tablet work though a Virtualbox machine, so I compiled a custom kernel (3.12) for Manjaro using this tutorial :
    and this one :

    I made a copy of Manjaro kernel (from git), and just changed this line :

    in "config" and "config.x86_64" files before compiling.

    Compiling was a success, I installed the custom package, regenerated the grub boot menu, and try to boot on it...
    But it won't boot : kernel panic !

    Is my guess in the config file is correct ? Can you help me understand what iss going wrong ?

    Thanks !

  • Camille Bissuel

    Camille Bissuel - 2014-02-07

    More updates on the Linux Wacom bug too :

  • Camille Bissuel

    Camille Bissuel - 2014-02-13

    Solved !

    it was finally an Xorg bug :

    Sorry for the disturb...
    I suppose your mouses were involved because they ar good ones with advanced inputs.. So thank you again for the work !

    I suppose you can close the bug as resolved ;)


  • Stefan Achatz

    Stefan Achatz - 2014-02-27
    • status: open --> wont-fix


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