
#355 Priority battles not accepted for mini/micro/nano rumbles
Julian Kent

For some reason, the roborumble client was designed to not accept priority battles for mini/micro/nano rumbles. This makes no sense, as if the server sends battles then the client should attempt to execute them.
This can be seen in lines 183 - 200 in roborumble/netengine/, where on line 184 the priority battles is passed through to the senddata() function, while on 191, 196 and 200 null is passed instead.
I ask that you pass through the prioritybattles on lines 191, 196 and 200 like is done on 184 so that the server can send back priority battles for the smaller rumbles as well.
Thank you
Julian Kent (aka Skilgannon)


  • Flemming N. Larsen

    Hi Skilgannon. :-)

    I have created a Alpha 7, which contains the two fixes for RoboRumble that you reported. Try this version out so we can fix issues before the release coming soon:

  • Julian Kent

    Julian Kent - 2013-03-24

    Thank you. As far as I can tell the only change which needs to be made is that each of the roborumble.txt, meleerumble.txt teamrumble.txt and twinduel.txt need to have ITERATE=YES instead of ITERATE=NOT so that they don't need custom .bat or .sh files to run continuously. Otherwise this seems perfect.

  • Flemming N. Larsen

    Thanks for verifying the changes. :-)
    I have now set the ITERATE=YES on the roborumble.txt, meleerumble.txt teamrumble.txt and twinduel.txt.

  • Flemming N. Larsen

    • status: accepted --> closed

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