
New release comming wed july 10th.

  • Reflection

    Reflection - 2002-07-10

    Ok, it's been a long time since the last update, or meeting, or anything.  For thoes who are still interested in developing or just thoes following the project, I will be releasing a new update wed july 10th.

    I have done alot of changes and additions to what was last released.  It may not be bug free, and may cause memory leaks.  However it has an early release of the graphics engine.

    I have created some objects in the applicaton which represent 'my idea' of appox. how the graphics, and interfaces will look.  I have not added alot of stuff that I still want to add. Some additional stuff I want to add soon are:

    - lighting
    - controls + menus.
    - resizing, and full screen.

    Unfortunantly if you resize or go full screen the objects displayed are lost, and the screen goes blue.  That is one of the most important things I need to fix.

    If it goes a little slow, it's probably because of the number of objects that are being displayed.  I am not doing any level of detail (polygon removal) code.

    If it doesn't run, too bad.  I have only checked it on my laptop, and had no problems.

    • Ryan Roos

      Ryan Roos - 2002-08-10

      Finally had a chance  to sit down and look at the last release. Nice work its starting to look good.

    • Reflection

      Reflection - 2002-08-20

      Thanks.  I am sorry I have been letting things slip on the web-based side.  I have been coding like crazy, and haven't stopped by to chat much, or to put updates on the site.  I plan on changing that soon.  Now that there is something to play with.


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