
Wireless Radio Software Switch / News: Recent posts

rfswitch-1.2 released

New release, fixes compiling on kernels > 2.6.18, and removes the use of request_region.

Posted by Pedro Ramalhais 2008-03-28

rfswitch-1.1 released!

Well, it has been a long time since the last release.
The new release fixes a problem with newer 2.6 kernels, and fixes a bug (we didn't use request_region()/release_region() ).

Posted by Pedro Ramalhais 2006-08-11

First software release

The first software release of the project is out. This is just a quick release to include the RF switch kernel modules previously included in the ipw2100 project.
Hopefully we'll start doing some coding in the upcoming weeks to add support for more software RF switches.

Posted by Pedro Ramalhais 2004-07-11

Laptop Support Table added

Added a laptop wireless radio switch support table where you can see the status of the radio switch support on some laptops (shamelessly "borrowed" from the ipw2100 project).
We started using the project's news system for the news on the home page.
The project Summary was also added to the home page.

Posted by Pedro Ramalhais 2004-05-16

Project started

The project has been started, web page created and for now all we have is two RF Switch Related links on the project's home page: one for the Acer Hotkey Driver and another for Marcel Naziri's (zwobbl @ #ipw2100) fsam7400 module for the Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo 7400(and possibly other models). You can find me at #ipw2100 on with the nick roote/rooti.

Posted by Pedro Ramalhais 2004-05-15