
RetroCode vs Linux

Good news everyone...

I finally got a working linux version compiled. Took much longer than expected cause I ran into issues with libtool in connection with the QCELP reference implementation. That code was obviously never meant to be actually reused, hence many things popped up when trying to do so. The biggest challenge was the fact that libqcelp has circular dependencies towards libtty, libops and libdsp. As I am anything but a GCC expert, things took a lot of time. In the end, I took the "trivial" solution and simply linked all those libraries together into one new "mega"-library.

Next steps:
- release a binary 32bit linux version (tar.gz)
- release a revised patch for the QCELP reference implementation
- release a debian installer package of that linux binary (.deb)
- release a macos binary version (tar.gz)
- debug and fix remaining 64bit issues
- release a 64bit binary linux version

Posted by Till Toenshoff 2009-03-27

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