
Papers or Usage Scenarios?

  • davideps

    davideps - 2009-01-21


    I am thinking about using QuiRC and Drupal for a research project. Has anyone written a paper about experiences using the software?


    David Epstein
    Doctoral Student
    Urban & Regional Planning
    University of Michigan

    • David Liebman

      David Liebman - 2009-01-21


      I know of no papers about use of quirc for drupal, but the source forge "research-coder" site does have a version of the help file that goes along with the standard version of quirc. You can visit this site at:

      Some of the details of usage are slightly different between the "regular" and the "drupal" versions. For example, the editor page looks slightly different. I do recommend using the "QuiRC for Drupal 5" module. If you decide that you are going to do so you can contact me if you want and I can try to get you a copy of the latest version of the module, which may not be posted to the sourceforge distribution system until you make a request for it.

      Good luck to you and if there's more questions I can answer let me know. I will keep you current of changes and/or additions to the quirc documentation as I come across them.



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