
Requirements Tracker / News: Recent posts

Is Spring RCP the way to go?

Not much happened here the last few weeks. The reason: I've been doing some more research on good development frameworks. I spent quite a bit of time on Spring Rich Client Platform, which is in alpha, but could be an excellent platform to enable a professional Swing Client and an App Server Jar at the same time. Stay tuned... Do you have experience with Spring and/or Spring RCP? Let me know!

Posted by Michael Jastram 2004-11-24

Nightly build up and running

I invested a lot in infrastructure lately. Now we're at a point where a nightly build runs that updates from the repository, compiles everything, runs unit tests, generates an html test report, and generates Javadoc. Visit to access the nightly build results.

Posted by Michael Jastram 2004-11-08

Continuing Prototype development using Swing

The project is still in the planning phase, with some prototyping going on to identify the technologies that we'll use eventually. After having build a basic framework using an App Server (Tomcat), I realized that a web environment may not be rich enough - seamless integration with a full-fledged text processor would be a huge plus. As I have plenty experience with Swing, I started to look into that.... read more

Posted by Michael Jastram 2004-10-29