
Can't connect to ReplayTV

Rob Weiss
  • Rob Weiss

    Rob Weiss - 2003-09-08

    I am trying to configure Build 189 and continue to get the following messages:

    Refreshing Bedroom ... rtvaddress not defined! at C:\inetpub\scripts\ line 46.
    rtvaddress not defined!Failed
    Refreshing Den ... rtvaddress not defined! at C:\inetpub\scripts\ line 46.
    rtvaddress not defined!Failed

    I would appreceate any assistance to resolve this problem.

    Thank you,

    Rob Weiss

    • Rob Weiss

      Rob Weiss - 2003-09-10

      I resolved this problem by downloading replayschedule, and I was working - however now I have this message:

      Refreshing Bedroom ... Failed
      Refreshing Den ... Failed

      I am running on a Windows2000 Server with IIS 5.  I believe that it is some type of permission problem.

    • Rob Weiss

      Rob Weiss - 2003-09-12

      I just installed and configured the software and I am having a problem getting information from my two ReplayTV units.  I had it working briefly after getting replaySchedule.exe from the CVS.  I think it might be a permissions problem, but I am not sure.  I am running on Windows2000 Server, with IIS 5 and mySQL. 

      If I access the Guide from the web page I get the following error:

      Refreshing Bedroom ... Failed
      Refreshing Den ... Failed

      If I access the Guide from a command promt, I get rtvaddress not defined for either unit.

      My log has the following information in it:

      2003-09-11 14:11:51 DEBUG->main::SQLStmt::SELECT * FROM replayunits ORDER BY replayaddress; posted to SQL [main::SQLStmt called from 276 of c:\inetpub\scripts\replayguide.plx]
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 Defined ReplayTVs: 13,12
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 13) 'Bedroom' at
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 12) 'Den' at
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 DEBUG->main::SQLStmt::SELECT * FROM channels WHERE hidden = 0 ORDER BY tuning; posted to SQL [main::SQLStmt called from 391 of c:\inetpub\scripts\replayguide.plx]
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 Channel Range is 3 to 595 (153)
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 DEBUG->main::SQLStmt::SELECT * FROM tvlistings WHERE tuning = 3 ORDER BY starttime; posted to SQL [main::SQLStmt called from 493 of c:\inetpub\scripts\replayguide.plx]
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 Listings Range is 20030911 to 20030912
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 Display Grid for 2003-09-11 14:00:00 through 2003-09-11 16:59:59
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 Display Grid with 30 minute slots
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 Display Grid containing channels 3 - 595
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 Creating schedule bar for 'Bedroom'
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 SQL: SELECT * FROM schedule,tvlistings WHERE (replayid = 13) AND (schedule.programid = tvlistings.programid) AND (schedule.conflict = 0) AND ((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59') OR (endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00')) ORDER BY tvlistings.starttime;
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 DEBUG->main::SQLStmt::SELECT * FROM schedule,tvlistings WHERE (replayid = 13) AND (schedule.programid = tvlistings.programid) AND (schedule.conflict = 0) AND ((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59') OR (endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00')) ORDER BY tvlistings.starttime; posted to SQL [main::SQLStmt called from 750 of c:\inetpub\scripts\replayguide.plx]
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 SQL: SELECT * FROM schedule,tvlistings WHERE (replayid = 13) AND (schedule.programid = tvlistings.programid) AND (schedule.conflict = 1) AND ((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59') OR (endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00')) ORDER BY tvlistings.starttime;
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 DEBUG->main::SQLStmt::SELECT * FROM schedule,tvlistings WHERE (replayid = 13) AND (schedule.programid = tvlistings.programid) AND (schedule.conflict = 1) AND ((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59') OR (endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00')) ORDER BY tvlistings.starttime; posted to SQL [main::SQLStmt called from 750 of c:\inetpub\scripts\replayguide.plx]
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 Creating schedule bar for 'Den'
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 SQL: SELECT * FROM schedule,tvlistings WHERE (replayid = 12) AND (schedule.programid = tvlistings.programid) AND (schedule.conflict = 0) AND ((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59') OR (endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00')) ORDER BY tvlistings.starttime;
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 DEBUG->main::SQLStmt::SELECT * FROM schedule,tvlistings WHERE (replayid = 12) AND (schedule.programid = tvlistings.programid) AND (schedule.conflict = 0) AND ((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59') OR (endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00')) ORDER BY tvlistings.starttime; posted to SQL [main::SQLStmt called from 750 of c:\inetpub\scripts\replayguide.plx]
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 SQL: SELECT * FROM schedule,tvlistings WHERE (replayid = 12) AND (schedule.programid = tvlistings.programid) AND (schedule.conflict = 1) AND ((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59') OR (endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00')) ORDER BY tvlistings.starttime;
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 DEBUG->main::SQLStmt::SELECT * FROM schedule,tvlistings WHERE (replayid = 12) AND (schedule.programid = tvlistings.programid) AND (schedule.conflict = 1) AND ((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59') OR (endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00')) ORDER BY tvlistings.starttime; posted to SQL [main::SQLStmt called from 750 of c:\inetpub\scripts\replayguide.plx]
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 SQL: SELECT * FROM tvlistings, channels WHERE ((((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59' OR endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00') AND tvlistings.tuning BETWEEN 3 AND 595) AND tvlistings.tuning = channels.tuning) AND = AND channels.hidden = 0 ORDER BY tvlistings.tuning,, starttime;
      2003-09-11 14:11:52 DEBUG->main::SQLStmt::SELECT * FROM tvlistings, channels WHERE ((((starttime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:00:00' AND '2003-09-11 16:59:59' OR endtime BETWEEN '2003-09-11 14:15:00' AND '2003-09-11 17:00:00') AND tvlistings.tuning BETWEEN 3 AND 595) AND tvlistings.tuning = channels.tuning) AND = AND channels.hidden = 0 ORDER BY tvlistings.tuning,, starttime; posted to SQL [main::SQLStmt called from 871 of c:\inetpub\scripts\replayguide.plx]

      Any ideas?  I also posted this to the Help section, but I'm not sure that anyone is reading it.


      Rob Weiss

    • Rob Weiss

      Rob Weiss - 2003-09-17

      Well I did solve my problem and it was a permissions problem as I suspected.  Even though I couldn't get any reply from anyone here, I am going to post my solution -

      I needed to disable Anonymous access to the directory that Replayguide is installed to.  Once that was done, everything appears to work correctly now.

    • Jason Fleisher

      Jason Fleisher - 2003-09-18

      I think I'm having a similar problem. I'd love to hear your solution.


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