
Phormer - PHP without MySQL PhotoGallery / News: Recent posts

Phormer 3.31 will be release before Jan 21

I'm engaged with final exams of university courses. :-(
This way, I may be over for 10 days or a bit more. after that, I'll do Phormer 3.31 with following changes:

* SlideShow's bug (showing just 5 recents!) would be fixed. an option of setting that caching photos would be added to advanced-configurations and a default value of (50) would be set!

* A Security bug of viewablity of data/ would be fixed.... read more

Posted by Aideen NasiriShargh 2007-01-10

Phormer 3.30 with Mass Upload and SlideShow!

Phormer, The "PHP Without MySQL" Photo Gallery Manager Application has just published in a new release. If you don't know it, I would be glad to invite you to take a look at its homepage:

Following features are added in the new version (3.30):

* Instantaneous Help
* Slide Show
* Bulk (Mass) Upload (yet in AJAX): you can upload a .zip file with lots of images in it and Phormer will extract it and save its photos, temporarily. later, you can quick-add all of them in a glance. this way, adding 100 photos won't take more than 3 minutes~20 clicks!
* Statistics: online-visitors, today/yesterday/this-month/ ... hits
* Revisited Backup system
* and much more...... read more

Posted by Aideen NasiriShargh 2007-01-08

Phormer 3.20 with new features!

* Sory by Recently visiteds, Mostly visited, Top rated in new page.
* Fancy Administration area!
* Improved Category/Story removal.
* Reviewing Themes (just one CSS file)
* Adding Uninstall page
* Reforming preferences, adding more technical choices
and much more is now available at phormer 3.20.

I shall thank Michal Paluchowski for his great feedbacks.

Posted by Aideen NasiriShargh 2006-09-14

First Public Release of Phormer 3.01

Phormer 3.01, first public release of Phormer has just finished and placed at to download.
Check the summary at
and the demo at

Posted by Aideen NasiriShargh 2006-08-26