
Best free site to host calendars

  • Rod Whiteley

    Rod Whiteley - 2006-02-13

    Using Remote Calendars and Outlook 2003, what's the group's opinion as to the best free web sites to host calendars.
    My opinion as to the best would include:
    * Stability of the server (uptime as well as not losing any data)
    * Interface works painlessly with RemoteCalendar extension from Outlook 2003, minimum of fiddling around
    * Free or nominal charge

    I've signed up for (and had a few issues lately), (but haven't used it yet), and RememberTheMilk (or whatever it is called, but it didn't seem appropriate) but I'm sure there must be others out there.

    Alternately, is it possible to readily use your ISP's associated webspace to accomplish this?

    • Daniele Tiles

      Daniele Tiles - 2006-02-13

      at the moment I tried all of them...this are my opinions:
      --iCalx: it's easy to publish and subscribe because it uses phpIcalendar...I don't like the fact that you cannot edit online the appointments, and I hate that it doesn't publish the location. it's nice with all that AJAX, quite easy the interface to add tasks (ONLY tasks, not appointments)'s not possible at the moment to publish to rtmilk
      --30Boxes: it's still AJAX I think, so it's user-friendly (maybe less than rtmilk, but you can create both tasks and appointments I think), it's harder to understand where is the subscribing url...and you cannot publish.

      At the moment, I'll continue to use iCalx because I can both publish and subscribe...I'll keep a look on this new services for support with RC :)


      • angruth

        angruth - 2006-10-14

        Hi - could anyone advise is 30Boxes still a one-way sync ? If not, do do I get it syncing both ways ?


        • Daniele Tiles

          Daniele Tiles - 2006-11-10

          well,the best way would be to ask them :)...I knew they were working on a 2-way sync, but I have no news...


    • Daniele Tiles

      Daniele Tiles - 2006-02-14

      A bit OT :DD...I didn't know that the people who wrote me in the Help forum about problems with 30Boxes where...the main developers!! I found it out looking for RC and 30Boxes...and I've added some links in RC pages :)))
      That's an A+ for 30Boxes, IMHO ;))...I hope you'll add publish for iCalendars too!


    • Daniele Tiles

      Daniele Tiles - 2006-02-15

      In this days I have been receiving some emails about new services which work with, I've added this part in the Help & FAQ page of RC:
      HTH :)


    • hfrmobile

      hfrmobile - 2007-02-13

      Is there a way to use "Remote Calendars" with Windows Live Mail!?

      Cheers, hfr


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