
Taking a break...

Hello users of rejoystick!

I'm taking a break (well, have already taken a break and I'm extending it :) so I won't work on RejoysTick for a while since I'm going to the Central African Republic for ten months and can't rely on internet access. However, if I get really bored and don't have stuff to do maybe this'll make me work more on the program. One never really can tell.

As for now, my goals for the next release is the following:

- Still launching RejoysTick from command line as before but now the configuration will be done by another program, that is written in gtk or qt or tcl/tk. The point of that is that some people don't like heavy dependencies and in this way one could write his RejoysTick config utility using his favorite toolkit. This doesn't mean one can not use a CLI to config the RejoysTick file(s). When this will happen I would really like it if people could help write config utilities in gtk or qt. If somebody is skilled in this, let me know.

- Fixing that damn axis problem :) The reason I haven't fixed it is simply that I only have D-pads on my gamepad so I don't really need the feature. But I'll ge one...eventually!

If somebody feels like hacking away and making cool improvements, send me a mail with the program and if it's cool I'll link it from the website. This way there will still be development will I'm away.

I appreciate any comments!

Regards, Samuel

Posted by samel 2007-08-14

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