
#461 negative elapsed times


On all version of Regina (that I can recall), every so infrequently (and I mean very seldom), Regina is returning negative elapsed times. This problem has never occurred on my (now deceased) single-core PC. It only happens on a multi-core PC (running various flavors of Windows (95, 97, XP, 7). It should go without saying that I can't reproduce this problem at will, but the Regina author(s) should know a lot more insight into the internal workings of this particular area within the Regina interpreter program.

An example (screen scraping) is in the attached file: EULERSUM.OUT

The REXX program is also attached: EULERSUM.REX

2 Attachments


  • Gerard Schildberger

    It maybe should be noted that I have a two-line "DOS" prompt, a solid line of hyphens (x'c4'x. c'─'), followed by a date and time stamp; the prompt line (message) then wraps to the next (terminal) line with an almost-normal "C:/" prompt which is immediately followed by a solid right arrow (x'10', c'►'). I'm using code page 437. Naturally (of course), it is created by a REXX program to automatically adjust to the screen's width (which is not a simple feat as it sounds). _______ Gerard Schildberger

  • Gerard Schildberger

    Oop-say. When I mentioned Windows (95, 97, XP, 7) ---- I meant to say Windows (95. 98, XP, 7). ---- Gerard Schildberger


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