
#438 RegUtil Semaphore Routines performance degredation


Hi - I am making heavy use of the semaphore routines to control access to shared files and external queues between programs (and have done since v 3.5). Performance (time to set and unset semaphore) is in the mS range to start with as expected, but the longer the session runs, the slower these actions become : On one of my win 7 notebooks it can take 1.5 seconds to perform a checkout operation. Eventually, routines calling e.g. SysRequestMutexSem will crash after seeming to claim large amounts of memory, necessitating a reboot of the computer. Sounds like some sort of memory leak, however I do not see any memory issues (in either rxstack or specific rexx routines) prior to the point that the routines start crashing. Even when the mutex actions are taking 1.5 seconds, everything works but slowly.
Typically, the escalation to crashing routines is after a number of days of continuous operation - perhaps there is some form of conflict condition that triggers a chain reaction.
I'm afraid I haven't been able to create a test case that consistently demonstrates the issue, which occurs with both 3.5 and >=3.8 (I am limited to these regina versions by the issue tracked in ticket #425 which may be related?).


  • SimonT

    SimonT - 2014-11-09

    Update : The 3.9.0 version seems to be much more stable from a crashing point of view, but the semaphore performance degredation issue remains.

  • SimonT

    SimonT - 2015-02-18

    Hi - have to apologize - I have traced this issue to a mistake in the way my program was interfacing to external queues. No issue with the mutex semaphores therefore. This ticket can be closed/rejected.


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