
Google Scholar

  • Jerome Auclair

    Jerome Auclair - 2007-07-13

    Google scholar has a neat function to import citation in different Bibliography Manager. It would be nice to be able to catch the import link directly into refbase. A Firefox plugin could be a nice way to implement this.

    • Matthias Steffens

      > Google scholar has a neat function to import citation in different Bibliography Manager. It would be nice to be able to catch the import link directly into refbase.

      I agree that this would be nice.

      > A Firefox plugin could be a nice way to implement this.

      We'd like to develop a little Firefox utility for Zotero which can upload selected references from Zotero to a refbase server. If such a utility exists, it might be easy to add interception of bibliographic output from Google Scholar as well. OTOH, Zotero supports this out of the box and all that would be really required is an easy way to upload its references to refbase.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Just to let you know, I think such a utility for Zotero would be great.


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