
What fields are searched by Quick Search "main fields" option

  • Douglas Grindlay

    I am writing a short, simple guide to getting started with my refbase database for novice users not acquainted with databases.

    Can you tell me which fields are searched by the default option "main fields" in the Quick Search drop down list please? I assume it is all the other options in the drop down list (i.e. author, title, publication, keywords and abstract), but I just wanted to check.

    I think that for most of the users of our veterinary database the Quick Search will be sufficient, but as most people are likely to be searching for a particular animal species or disease, I need to ensure that the abstract and keywords are included in the "main fields" option.

    I have found nothing about the Quick search in the online Help.


    Douglas Grindlay

  • Richard Karnesky

    This can be set per-user. The defaults are given in initialize/

    Yes; those defaults are: author, title, publications, keywords, abstract.

  • Douglas Grindlay

    Thanks Richard!


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