
Changing the fields that are displayed

  • Knut Krüger

    Knut Krüger - 2007-04-18

    Is it possible to store the displayed fields at leas for the session, or is there a possibility to hardcore f.e the serial field as default?

    It would be fine to get the serial number visible during writing a manuscript as default.

    I did not found more than the link above in the manual.

    Regards Knut

    Matthias, I am just settin up the workaround - I hope I will have less questions in the future.

    Thanks again for your great support - maybe we could help you with that if we are more familar with RefBase in the future.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi etron770,
      the easiest way to recall a specific query (e.g. when you changed the layout, displayed fields, sort order etc.) is to save the query:
      If you are on the page with query results, locate the following just belo the header line:
      "1–10 of 680 records found matching your query (save | RSS):"

      If you click on save, you can save your query (thats why it is called "save" ;-)

      To recall your query, you will find at your startpage (index.php) a drop down menu labelled: "recall my query"
      select the desired query and click "go".

      Hope that helps.

      Best regards

    • Knut Krüger

      Knut Krüger - 2007-04-18

      That's not the complete solution.
      During writing the manuscript the author needs to look for each reference serial just when typing to use it as inline citation for Word
      Two possible ways:

      1. Just now he has to open the file for viewing and has to scroll down for the serial

      2. enable serial in the display option for each record

      Regards Knut

    • Matthias Steffens

      Hi Knut,

      I have plans to add user options so that users could define their preferred default columns as well as the list of fields that gets displayed in dropdown menus. Until this gets implemented, there are some workarounds:

      1. Hack 'search.php'
      2. Use a bookmarked search to start your database query
      3. Use a saved search to start your database query

      (1) If you primarily use a particular search form (like, e.g. "Quick Search"), you could add the 'serial' column to the appropriate SELECT query. In case of "Quick Search", search for function 'extractFormElementsQuick()' in file 'search.php' (it starts at line 5068 in refbase-0.9.0) and insert this line:

      $query .= ", serial"; // MOD

      after line 5082 which reads:

      $query .= ", volume, pages"; // ...otherwise, add further default columns

      This should by default display the 'serial' column as the last column when searching via "Quick Search" on the main page. The other 'extractFormElements...()' functions in 'search.php' address other search forms.

      However, it's always nice if you can avoid messing with the script code itself, which makes upgrades much easier. Belwo are two alternative approaches that might be even better suited to your needs (since they are more flexible), and which don't require hacking any code:

      (2) Perform a very generic query, and use the bookmark functionality of your browser to store that query alongside the current view. Then use this bookmark to initiate a new search.

      (3) In a similar fashion, you could use the "Recall My Query" functionality. In refbase, saved searches not only save the particular query but also the list and order of displayed fields, the number of displayed records, the current sort order, etc. This is explained in more detail here:

      The first example on that wiki page pretty much describes what you're after, only that it uses the 'abstract' field (instead of the 'serial' field) in the example. So you could:

      1. Log in to your refbase database.
      2. Perform a very generic query, such as clicking the "My Refs" or "Show All" links in the header.
      3. Use the "Display Options" form to adopt the list of columns until it suits your taste (in your case, add the 'serial' column)
      4. Click the "save" link in the status line of the header.
      5. In the upcoming form, enter a query name, e.g., if you clicked the "My Refs" link in step (2), you could name your query "My Refs (serial)".
      6. Click the "Add Query" button to save the query.

      Your saved query is now available on the main page (in the dropdown menu under "Recall My Query"). Instead of starting a query via any of the regular search pages, you could now always use this saved query to start your refbase search, and then use the "Search within Results" form to further narrow down your actual query. By this, your results list will always display the serial column by default.

      Btw, your default columns will be maintained when you switch to a completely different set of references via the "Show My Group" form above the results list.

      If you haven't tried saved searches, I encourage you to try this out.


    • Matthias Steffens

      Knut, I see that Daniel made the same suggestions about using saved searches for this. I don't see how this wouldn't solve what you're after. Have you actually tried it?

      By "open the file for viewing" I assume that you mean a record in details view? If not, please explain again what you'd like to do.

      If you perform a generic search, display the 'serial' column, and then save this search, the 'serial' column will be displayed by default when you recall that search. Isn't this what you'd like to achieve?


    • Matthias Steffens

      If you just want to generate a text citation string that includes the serial number, then you could simply mark the checkbox next to the desired record and choose "Cite using style: Text Citation" from the results footer. This will output a string that's suitable for citing in Word and which includes the record's serial number.

      You can adopt the formatting of this text citation string by enabling the checkbox "Use custom text citation format" in your user options and specifying a special placeholder string. The refbase placeholder syntax is described here:


    • Knut Krüger

      Knut Krüger - 2007-04-19

      Anything left what you didn't implement or is planned for the future? ;-)

      I tried to save the query, but during writing the text the author will look for 1 paper at one time and will implement it.
      But it is much better to get the hole citation including the code.
      Great - by the way I will prefere to write the serial number between name and year. This will cause less errors when deleting a citation in the text. The code will deletet even when if it is invisible.


    • Knut Krüger

      Knut Krüger - 2007-04-19

      Hi Matthias, hi Daniel
      the point of missunderstanding about the saved query was that I saved a special query instead saving a "show all" query and I tried to find another record.

      The problem is to find a most easy sequence of work steps for non techincal users.

      And the first point of that is to bring them to the keyboard when RefBase is at the screen ;-)
      After solving this problem the rest must be at easy as possible.
      Maybe I need an beginner mode (with less functions)and an expert mode ;-)
      Just now the status is tried once - great - afraid of using it :-)

      Regards Knut


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