
Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated

  • Fred

    Fred - 2011-05-25

    On all pages appear repeatedly dozens of times this command line "Deprecated: Function ereg () is deprecated" just changing the lines and php files.
    What is the solution to this problem?

    I use Xampp with Apache 2.2.17 and PHP 5.3.4 on Windows 7

    Best regards

  • Richard Karnesky

    You need to do thing & the refbase developers will need to do another.  You should reduce the level of  php notices that are displayed on production services (if this is not production, just add error_reporting = ~E_DEPRECATED to your php.ini).  Ultimately, the refbase developers will release a version with no deprecated functions.

  • Fred

    Fred - 2011-05-25

    Thanks Karnesky

    On some pages has greatly reduced the number of "deprecated", but others remained the same situation.
    From what I understand this happens often and is not an error on my installation, right?


  • Richard Karnesky

    All deprecated notices should disappear when you disable reporting them!  On a production system, you should really have

    display_errors = 'off'
    log_errors = 'on'

    If you still see the messages, I suspect either you are misreading them or that you have some sort of cache that is not updating itself when it should.

  • Fred

    Fred - 2011-05-25

    Thanks again.
    I put the "display_errors = off" and gone all "deprecated"
    I also have some problems with the bibutils but will create a different post to put my doubts.
    I was very pleased with the response time, are doing a good job.


  • Matthias Steffens

    FYI, I've updated the bleeding-edge branch of the refbase Subversion repository at Sourceforge. This newest revision (#1337) should work with PHP5 w/o emitting E_DEPRECATED errors. This may need more testing, but most (if not all) of the issues should be fixed now. Let me know if this isn't the case for you.

    More information on how to obtain, install or update the refbase SVN version is available at:

    HTH, Matthias


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