
Modifying EndNote XML files

  • timt

    timt - 2010-02-02

    You may not be able to help with this one, since it involves other software, but I have been trying to modifying my EndNote XML files using the Oxygen XML editor. Whenever I import files that I have modified (or even simply opened) using Oxygen, seemingly random gaps appear in the title and journal fields-i.e., title and journal info does appear for a number of records.

    If I modify records in NotePad, nothing is lost when I import into refbase. It would be great to be able to use an advanced XML editor like Oxygen, however.


  • Matthias Steffens

    Hi Tim,

    I'd need to see some example files (before and after editing with Oxygen) to see what could cause this problem.

    As noted in another thread, if you're just attempting to perform some batch replace actions, the refbase/SQL batch update functionality might be easier. More info here:



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