
Renaming Fields and Migrating Data

  • Ben

    Ben - 2014-08-12

    I'm interested in migrating a set of articles from my current software (Biblioscape) to Refbase. I currently have data in 8 user-defined fields.

    I'm wondering if its possible (and if so how) to name, or rename, 8 fields in Refbase to the field names I'd like to have displayed. And then, when I migrate a reference, how to map the data in my old user-defined fields to these user-defined fields in refbase?

    I can export my references from Biblioscape in any number of formats, including RIS, BibTeX, or delimited/spreadsheet/DB table...

  • Richard Karnesky

    While refbase can import RIS (and, with bibutils, BibTeX), I typically recommend that people use a tab-delimited file organized the same way that the refbase 'literature' table is. See manual batch import.

    The best way to rename fieldnames is to use our localization features (locales/en/ and/or locales/en/ for example). Note that this only impacts display. Embedded metadata, export, and citations will all still use the fields using refbase's initial table design.

    What information do you store in these 8 fields?

  • Ben

    Ben - 2014-08-14

    Thanks! I'll play around with this and see if I can rename 8 of the less necessary fields and direct our data into them.

    Our database is a collection of acupuncture trials The information we store in these additional fields is specific trial data we pull from reading the trials:
    3 fields are text only, indicating the disease, condition, and type of study
    2 fields are number only, indicating the # of subjects and # of treatments
    3 fields are mixed text and number, indicating time in treatment, frequency of treatment, and time to follow-up (e.g. 3 weeks).


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