
Periods in Author Field After Endnote Import

  • Mariya Miteva

    Mariya Miteva - 2009-08-19


    I have a problem with the database at . I import the data from Endnote via Bibutils. All references are imported, but strange periods appear in the middle of authors' names, which are not in Endnote. An example is "" for "Ratna". It happens quite frequently and I can seem to find a pattern. Does anyone know why it might happen? I guess it might rather be a Bibutils issue.

    Just another issue. As I import from Endnote, it does not match the "City" field in Endnote with "Place of Publication" in refbase. Would anyone know a fix for that?

    Thank you in advance.


    • Matthias Steffens

      Hi Mariya,

      > All references are imported, but strange periods appear in the middle of
      > authors' names, which are not in Endnote

      I've never heard of that issue before. Do these names contain any special (or control) characters? And ist the issue reproducible, i.e. do the dots appear within the same names at the same position of the same records (when importing your data multiple times)?

      Which version of Endnote are you using? And what format are you using for import?

      If you send me a representative file with some of  the problematic Endnote records (exported as Endnote XML and Endnote tagged text), I may have a chance to look into this in more detail. You can mail these files as a zipped archive to msteffens -at- refbase -dot- net.

      > As I import from Endnote, it does not match the "City" field in Endnote
      > with "Place of Publication" in refbase.

      Is the data from the Endnote "City" field omitted entirely or does it import into another refbase field? Also, it's important to know the format you're using fro transfer to refbase. Some file sample might be also useful here.

      Thanks, Matthias

      • Mariya Miteva

        Mariya Miteva - 2009-08-24

        Hi Mathias,

        It seems the periods occur after the characters T, U, P and sometimes L. Also, they always occur at the same location at each instance of a given name. So Christian Huggel is always Christ.ian Huggel.We don't know of any special characters that might be causing them. We import from a Endnote XML file exported from Endnote X1. I will send you a sub-database with some [problematic references.

        In terms of the "City" filed issue, the city is simply ignores and place of publication remains empty after the import from Endnote. I don't know if that comes from something  that bibutils or refbase does.

        Thank yoi very much for the help and I will be sending the XML file shortly.


        • Richard Karnesky

          Matthias may touch base with you re. the email.  However: In addition to looking at a copy of the Endnote XML file, it'd be useful to know which version of bibutils you use & whether or not the file imports correctly at, for example,

          Also, you might be able to use another intermediate format as a work-around (RIS, for example).

          • Mariya Miteva

            Mariya Miteva - 2009-08-24


            Yes, the file strangely imports fine in the "beta". We are using bibutils_4.3_i386.

            As of other formats, the version of Endnote we are using(X1) supports only three export formats, so XML is our only option.

            Thank you again.


            • Richard Karnesky

              Endnote X1 contains RIS & other data-exchange formats as citation styles.  The style can be downloaded from:


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