
import EndNote files

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Could you tell me if it's possible to import EndNote version 7 files into Refbase ?
    Best regards

    • Richard Karnesky

      I just replied via email.

      It should be possibe.  Have you tried to use the endnote style file that is in the contrib directory?

    • adrianbj

      adrianbj - 2005-07-05

      Just to confirm that it is indeed possible - I just recently populated our database with 2900 records from a single endnote 7 file - I had to tweak the php file in the contrib directory for some reason, but after that it worked pretty well. I made a post about this in the Useful Hints forum, although it turns out I messed up slightly - I had mixed up the field and lines terminated by characters in the phpMyAdmin section. I also found the * character in my inital post a bad option and so replaced it with a | which is the character above the backslash on your keyboard. it should read:

      $fin = str_replace("</REFBASE>; ","|",$fin);

      Note that the end of line character is now a '|'

      Also, it was correctly inserting the \N to specify NULL when there were multiple tabs, but not producing a 'lines terminated by' character between these. To fix this, I added the following line to the script:

      $fin = str_replace("\t","~",$fin);

      So now when I use the PHPMyAdmin import feature I use the following settings and it works perfectly!

      Fields terminated by: ~
      Fields enclosed by: (leave blank)
      Fields escaped by: (leave blank)
      Lines terminated by: |
      LOAD method: Data Local

      The only other thing I had to do was do a search and replace on the import.txt file to check for multiple ~~ in a row - these should be replaced with ~\N~

      You may have to do this search and replace a few times as often there are instances like this also ~~~

      Anyway, hope that helps - as I said before, not sure why the default version of the converter didn't work for me, but this works a treat - good luck!



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