
Install refbase from CVS head

  • Ian Dickinson

    Ian Dickinson - 2005-07-12

    I'd like to use the CVS head version of refbase, so that I can use the SRU query facility with CiteProc. Perhaps I'm being dumb, but I can't see a make or install script to configure refbase once I've performed the CVS co. Certainly the files are laid out differently from the 0.8.0 version. What should I do next?


    • Richard Karnesky

      Currently there is no make or install script.  I made a quick php script to reorganize everything (for when I work with CVS and when I package up a new version, but I have let it drift out of date (another reason for me to write code for refbase sooner, rather than later).

      Most files are already in the release version.  Put them in the same subdirectories as you find them in the .tar.gz file.

      Matthias and I had talked about reorganizing the tree so you can checkout & it would immediately be ready for deployment.  This hasn't yet happened (we don't want to lose the metadata for the previous files) & probably won't happen until 1.0 or so (or some other time when a major change is warranted).  I may upload that php script which reorganizes everything.  I'll post to this thread if I do.

    • Matthias Steffens

      Hi Ian,

      please note that the SRU implementation is still experimental and doesn't feature a full-blown CQL parser yet. What's there is functioning, though. I.e. refbase can be successfully used as database backend for citeproc applications (=first scenario below).

      Regarding the SRW/U integration there are two different scenarios:

      1st scenario:
      1a) refbase works as a recognized database backend for (future versions of) applications like (which will have citeproc integration). Via an OpenOffice GUI the user would send a SRU query (searchRetrieve operation) to refbase and refbase would return the appropriate MODS records as SRW searchRetrieve response. OpenOffice would do whatever is necessary with the returned records.

      1b) This first scenario is also what users want when directly using xbib's citeproc processor with some custom setup, e.g. formatting DocBook documents with citeproc using refbase as database backend.

      2nd scenario:
      2) A user selects some records within the refbase GUI and clicks on a "Cite" button to output the selected records in a chosen citation format. refbase generates appropriate SRW XML data (as in the searchRetrieve response above) and sends them to citeproc. Information about the desired citation style should be also included in the data. citeproc takes the received MODS records, transforms them into properly formatted citations and returns them as (X)HTML. refbase incorporates the received data into its own web page and displays it to the user. (support for other output types such as plain text, RTF or PDF may be also possible)

      Note that this second scenario has not been completed yet. I don't think that there'll be much coding involved to make this work. Anyhow, until now, I did not have enough time to code this.

      Sorry, if the second sceenario is what you were hoping for!

      Best regards, Matthias

    • Matthias Steffens


      in addition to Ricks notes, below is the file location for the new SRW/U files (file position is given relative to refbase root dir):


      I haven't discussed this with Rick yet, but the xsl file should probably go into a xsl subdirectory for the release version.

      Regards, Matthias

    • Ian Dickinson

      Ian Dickinson - 2005-07-13

      Thanks for the tips everyone. I have RefBase working generally now, but am having big problems with the SRU capability. I'll start a new thread in the help forum, which I hadn't noticed before, to describe what's going on.



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