
Language / german

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    just installed RefBase. Fine program, suits fine to our requirements. But there=s an issue. I actived german language, but not all texts phrases appear in german. Some are hard coded in english. Will this be fixed? Are u still working on RefBase? When do u release the next stable?



    • Daniel Stepputtis

      Dear J,
      as I heard from Matthias, this not a bug, which has to be fixed ;-) , this is just the first step of translation. And its on schedule to translate more.

      best wishes

      PS Thanks to Refbase - great database ;-)

    • Matthias Steffens

      Hi J,

      Daniel is correct in that the localization feature isn't completed yet (as is also stated by the 'NEWS' file), it's a work in progress. We'll definitely fix all language issues in a future release (though not the next one).

      Yes, we're still working on refbase (and have great plans! ;-). I just spend the full last week on refbase development. Time is still the limiting factor, though. Next release is in the pipeline, but, unfortunately, I can't give you a release date.

      Thanks for your understanding!

      Regards, Matthias

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hallo Matthias,

      ich poste nun mal in Deutsch. Kann mich dann flüssiger ausdrücken:

      Ich weiss, du hast geschrieben, du könntest kein Release Datum der neuen Refbase Version nennen, in der alles auf Deutsch einstellbar ist.

      Kannst du denn trotzdem irgendwie schätzen?
      Bis spätestens Ende Februar sollte ich es in Deutsch vorliegen haben und habe auch ein paar Stunden in der Woche Zeit dabei zu helfen.

      Schreib mal bitte wie es z.Z. ausschaut.

      (Wenn ich helfen soll, wäre eine kleine Anleitung hilfreich wie man z.B. die erweitert und wie z.B. Select Boxen übersetzt werden. Ein Beispiel würde mir da auf jeden Fall schon genügen)

      • Richard Karnesky

        I do not speak German well, so apologies for replying in English.

        Matthias is out until the 20th.  I'd like to submit updates of install/update scripts & of the exec script by then, so we could have an early January release.  This won't have everything translated.

        If you can point to the areas which most need translation (and, preferrably, the proper german phrases which should replace them), I will try to include this when I make my changes.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ich nochmal:

      Darf ich denn den Inhalt der Select Boxes einfach so ändern oder muss da der englische Name bestehen bleiben, damit das Programm die werte richtig verarbeitet?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Rick,

      Tuesday I´ll will translating the pages I can.
      The position where I can´t change the words (because they´re use as php code: exapmle: Where U choose the type of a new ref (add record)) I´ll poste here the new words.

      The results of a search are also a problem.

      until then

      have a nice weekend ;-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Rick,

      at first I´d like to see the areas "Search Results" (complete, view, edit) and the mask to enter records, "add record".

      I translated the page "add record". What do you want from me? Shall I send you the record.php file or make a list English Word -> German Word for you?
      ...there u can see the state of things.

      my icq: 47775134
      Jürgen alias Nobody

      • Richard Karnesky

        Please send both to me (use my sourceforge email).


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