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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Welcome to Open Discussion

    • Bastiaan

      Bastiaan - 2009-09-01

      I did get an error in one file:
      ArticleOperations.moveArticle(...): The number of back links before and after moving the article is different!
      ArticleOperations.moveArticle(...): Target article: operations:operations_scripts
      ArticleOperations.moveArticle(...): Back linking article: operations:messages
      ArticleOperations.moveArticle(...): Number of back links before: 1
      ArticleOperations.moveArticle(...): Number of back links after: 0
      RefactorDW.main(...): An error occured while resolving article naming conflicts
      java.lang.Exception: The number of back links before and after moving the article is different!
          at org.digitalcure.refactordw.operations.ArticleOperations.moveArticle(Unknown Source)
          at org.digitalcure.refactordw.operations.ArticleOperations.renameArticle(Unknown Source)
          at org.digitalcure.refactordw.operations.ArticleRefactoring.resolveNamingCollisionsBtwArticles(Unknown Source)
          at org.digitalcure.refactordw.core.RefactorDW.main(Unknown Source)

      In operations:messages I have the following link:

      The following vim regex solved my issue:


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