
#36 logb doesn't give a number for small numbers



on numval, rounded;
logb(2^(-100),2); %ok
logb(2^(-101),2); %not evaluated
logb(3^(-33),3); %not evaluated

log(2^(-101))/log(2) works though.


  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2012-07-24

    I tried your input in the latest version from svn, and it works.

    Could you please indicate which version of Reduce you are using, ie. platform PSL/CSL, the date displayed when Reduce is started.


  • Zbynek Konecny

    Zbynek Konecny - 2012-07-24

    Thanks for prompt answer, I'm using Reduce (Free CSL version), 31-Mar-12

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2012-07-24

    I tested on both CSL and PSL from the latest svn trunk, on an Ubuntu Linux on x86-64 processor.

    Could you please try to rebuild from the latest sources? (Processor and operating system shouldn't make a difference, but you never know until you try)

    Thanks, Rainer

  • Zbynek Konecny

    Zbynek Konecny - 2012-07-24

    Now I'm testing with trunk. With
    on roundbf;
    the behavior is as described above.
    off roundbf;
    logb(2^(-1022),2); %gives number
    logb(2^(-1023),2); %switches roundbf to on and does not give a number

    The March version did the same thing, I forgot to mention that I used some inputs that switched roundbf.


  • Arthur Norman

    Arthur Norman - 2012-07-24

    While I do not yet have a solution, I believe that the change of behaviour related to the value of !:bprec!: and its treatment in greaterp!: in arith/ And I suspect that the code there is (incorrectly!) viewing 2^(-100) as so close to zero to be treatable as equal to it...

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2012-07-24

    I agee with Arthur. Fortunately, there are only very few places in the source code where greaterp!: is used for comparison to zero, namely in arith/ and specfn/

    Bug fix and regression test checked in.


  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2012-07-24
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Zbynek Konecny

    Zbynek Konecny - 2012-07-24

    I updated trunk and everything works nicely.

    @Rainer, Arthur: thanks for the fast analysis and fix!

  • Rainer Schöpf

    Rainer Schöpf - 2012-07-24
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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