
The program couldn't connect to server

  • Alexey Martynenko

    Hi, I try to connect the program to our redmine server and get the exception: The input string has an incorrect format.

  • Marcel Glasa

    Marcel Glasa - 2011-06-09

    I have the same issue. How can I resolve it ?

  • martin

    martin - 2011-07-20

    i have the same issue.
    windows 7 64bit, english
    redmine client: version 0.4.3643.32804
    redmine version: 1.2.1

    the problem occurs after filling in the login data and clicking save.

    after login i see two requests to http://redmine/projects?format=atom where i get the following content:

    do you need some more info to reproduce the problem?

    <feed xmlns=""> 
        <title>Test :: Redmine: Latest projects</title> 
        <link href="http://redmine/projects.atom" rel="self" /> 
        <link href="http://redmine/projects" rel="alternate" /> 
            <name>Test :: Redmine</name> 
        <generator uri=""> Redmine</generator> 
            <title>Dev1 - Project: One</title> 
            <link href="http://redmine/projects/dev1" rel="alternate" /> 
            <content type="html"> 
            <title>Dev2 - Project: Two</title> 
            <link href="http://redmine/projects/dev2" rel="alternate" /> 
            <content type="html">  &lt;p&gt;some description&lt;/p&gt;</content> 
  • martin

    martin - 2011-07-25

    the semicolons after the links (line 1, line 10) where inserted by the forum.
    they actual don't appear at the feed.


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