
RecordEditor 0.97c


The RecordEditor is Data file Editor for Fixed Width (Text, binary, cobol), Csv and Xml Data files.
For Fixed width files, it can import Cobol Copybooks.

Changes 0.97c

  • Support for updating colors used in the Highlighted Text Editor.
  • Can use Background colors in the Highlighted Text Editor. Note: When a background color is used, a a white underline can appear, I do not think this can be fixed.
  • When creating a new record (line) in a Text file (no binary fields), the record is initialised to spaces. Binary records are still initialized to Hex-Zero's though.
  • Changes to prevent problem in filtering
  • Adding an Output Tab in the script run Screen. You can now use print/println function in macros (scripts) and they are displayed on a seperate tab

Download Page:

Posted by Bruce Martin 2015-08-02

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