
Protocol Buffer Editor 0.92

Sister project Protocol Buffers Editor has released version 0.92. The Protocol Buffers Editor wraps Protocol-Buffer Objects in there RecordEditor Equivalents and calls the RecordEditor-Engine to do the Editting.


  • Change to use Protocol Buffers 2.5.0
  • All screens for a File are now displayed as Tabs rather than as seperate screens.
    The tabs can be undocked (and redocked) if required.
  • Added Child screen option to List Screens
  • Added Hints dialogue
  • Enhanced HTML Export, option to open exported file with default programs
  • Highlight change fields in compare
  • Minor GUI changes
  • Enhanced Help menu (can open Manual / Forums etc).
  • Problem fixes including Paste Prior issue, 64 Mb exceeded issue (there are
    likely to be problems with big files though)


Posted by Bruce Martin 2013-03-20

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