
Multiple Record Formats

  • billm-ti

    billm-ti - 2013-05-30

    I have a file with 5 different record formats within one file - can I use RecordEditor to parse such a file? I see how to define a record layout, but it seems like the whole file (or all but the first line) has to be the same format, no?

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2013-05-31

    Yes it can handle multiple records in a file, the way to define it is
    1) Define all the individual RecordLayouts (you should uncheck the list button, this
    prevents these RecordLayouts from being listed in the RecordEditor).
    2) Define a Master RecordLayout, you need to change Record Type to Group of Records
    See the attached file. The sample layout ams PO Download is a simple example.
    Note: You must use the same system for both master and child records.
    3) Attach the individual Record-Layouts to this master record.
    4) With group "Master-Child" records, you should define how to distinguish between each record-type. If it is only one Field, You can use the Field / Field Value columns

    Also with RecordEditor, there should be a "How To" document, have a look at Child Record sub-section of Create a Record Layout via Definition Screens


    Finally if you a sample file, you could use the "Wizard" to define the Record-Layout.
    On the first wizard screen, you need to set the Record Type check box to **Multiple Records (fixed Length).

    There are some notes for Using the Wizard for Single-Record-Files here (see I will try and update it for multiple record Files).

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2013-05-31

    Multi-Record layouts with the file Wizard.
    This is covered in the RecordEditor_Manual (Search for Layout Wizard).

    But basically set the Record Type check box to Multiple Records (fixed Length)
    and go from there.



    Last edit: Bruce Martin 2013-05-31

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