
Record Editor install problem

Jon Hudson
  • Jon Hudson

    Jon Hudson - 2012-09-14

    I am having a problem after installing Record Editor on my Windows 7 laptop. I
    get the error message: EditRec Load Layouts - Table not found: TBL_R_RECORDS
    in statement . So it seems to be connecting to the HSQL database just fine,
    but it is apparently missing tables. I noticed a script to insert this and
    other tables, but for whatever reason it must not have run? Any help is

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2012-09-14

    Can you tell me exactly which version you installed ???
    was it or or an earlier version ???.
    Also was this a clean install or did you have the recordeditor already
    installed ???

    For the HSQL installs, it should install a fully loaded DB.

    Some basic suggestion
    1) Try un installing and reinstalling
    2) Try restarting the computer - this should start the DB server, then try
    starting the record editor - see if that works
    3) if it does not try stopping the server then tryt editting a file

    I will do some more testing on the 2 0.88a versions myself


  • Jon Hudson

    Jon Hudson - 2012-09-17

    Thanks for the reply, Bruce. I used and it was a clean install. I
    tried all of your suggestions already, did not help. Since it was not finding
    tables when it launches (EditRec Load Layouts - Table not found:
    TBL_R_RECORDS in statement ), I thought maybe the script that builds these
    tables did not run successfully. I found it (recordedit.script) and opened
    up HSQL DB Manager to see if I could run manually. There may be issues with
    some of the CREATE TABLE statements, because it complains about some of the
    VARCHARs not specifying a length. I was able to create the tables manually,
    but Record Editor still takes the same error when I launch. When I was in HSQL
    DB Manager I was using the 'in-memory' type, and the tables I created are now
    gone. If I try using the 'server' type, I get a Socket Exception.

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2012-09-18


    HSQLDB satarted life as a in-Memory-Database, basically when the Server
    shuts down it saves the Database contents as Sql (in this case
    and when the server is restarted, it should run the sql in this file to
    the in-memory-db.

    if you go to editor/files/Prod/Version_0.88a/
    I have uploaded: - Holds the Sql to create the RecordEditor
    Sql/Create_*.Sql - Table creation Sql
    Sql/Data_*.Sql - Add data to tables

    It comes from Version 0.85 but should work - Holds the Database Directory for
    HSQL install

    One Question did you install the RecordEditor by either of:

    1) using a different user to install the RecordEditor
    2) Specifying a different user/password while installing ????

    i.e. does your normal user-id have adminstration rights for the computer ????

    also is this a 32 bit or 64 bit version of Java ????, It should not make any

    Possible things to try:

    1) Check the Start_Server command to see where it is starting, it should be
    C:\Users\<User_Id>\RecordEditor_HSQL\Database - <User\_Id> is the your user
    there needs to be a valid version of the following files in this directory
    There should be valid files in
    To update this directory, you must stop the database server,
    if you do not stop the server, it will overwrite the recordedit.script
    file at some point

    2) Try Running the table create Sql from
    You really need to run Create_RecordEdit.Sql and Data_Tables.Sql

    3) If you have some existing DB you could try the Generic Version
    (note: last version was 0.85)

    It should work with H2, HSQLDB, MySql, etc
    It will not work with Firebird and Oracle may have issues as well.

    There will be future versions of the Generic installer


    Directory Layout for RecordEditor_HSql on 64 bit Windows 7:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\RecordEdit\HSQL
    lib - RecordEditor Jars
    Docs - Documentation

    C:\Users\<User_Id>\RecordEditor_HSQL - <User\_Id> is the actual user name
    Database - Holds HSQL Database

    The command to start the server should be some thing like:

    "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -cp "C:\Program Files
    (x86)\RecordEdit\HSQL\lib\hsqldbmain.jar" org.hsqldb.Server

    it should start in the following directory

    C:\Users\<User_Id>\RecordEditor_HSQL\Database - <User\_Id> is the actual
    user name

  • Jon Hudson

    Jon Hudson - 2012-09-18

    I had installed JRE7 earlier trying to work through a different problem on my
    machine. The command information you posted matched what I had, pointing to
    jre6, so I thought there may be a conflict. I de-installed jre7, and re-
    installed Record Editor using the 88a exe zip. Now Record Editor works, in
    file mode. If I try to run in database server mode, I get a socket connection

    DataBase Connection error: socket creation error
    Connection Index 0
    Connection ID jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/recordedit

    I can use it in file mode, but if you have any thoughts on how to get past
    this socket creation error, please let me know.

    Thank you very much!

  • Bruce Martin

    Bruce Martin - 2012-09-18

    A couple of other things:

    1) If you run the recordeditor from a terminal you will get some more
    error messages on the console
    i.e. open terminal and go to RecorfdEditor lib directory
    enter command java -jar runFullEditor.jar

    2) If you are stuck running in File mode, there are some options you can try

    * By default the RecordEditor will try and connect to the DB-Server first
    only try a File connection and If this fails it tries to the File.
    It is possible to reverse the Sequence and try for a File connection first
    This will reduce the startup time on windows quite dramatically.

    - In the RecordEditor Select Edit >>> Edit Options
    - Then Select properties on the left the defaults tab
    - Then click on DefaultDB in the Table
    - Finally change the Default Value combo at the bottom to
    ?Record Edit - file
    - hit the save button at the top and exit the Dialog then the RecordEditor.

    The RecordEditor should start much faster now

    * Once you have created all your file definitions you could try updating the
    flag. Basically when this flag is set to Y everytime the RecordEditor needs to
    access the DB it will open the DB connection, Run the SQL, Close the DB

    Advantages - Allows you to run multiple copies of the RecordEditor
    Disadvantages - SQL execution is slower, more error prone

    In the HowTo documentation, Embedded DB options section
    there is some notes on the JDBC options

    To get to this option
    - In the RecordEditor Select Edit >>> Edit Options
    - Select JDBC Parameters

  • Jon Hudson

    Jon Hudson - 2012-09-19

    Well, now when I launch it today it works in HSQLDB mode just fine, and I did
    not do a thing! That jre7 issue must have been the problem all along, and it
    just took a reboot after de-installing it to reset whatever was causing the
    problem. I am back in business, thanks again!


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